| An
open circle on the map indicates that there is no wind.
 | So
a diagonal line indicates the wind speed is at 1 to 2
 | A
diagonal line with a little line coming out of it is wind speed at 3
to 7 knots.
 | A
check mark indicates that the wind speed is going 8 to 12 knots.
 | A
check mark with a little diagonal line indicates that the wind speed is
going 13 to 17 knots.
 | A
check mark with a large diagonal line indicates that the wind speed is
going 18 to 22 knots.
 | A
check mark with two large lines and a little line indicates that the wind
speed is at 23 to 27 knots.
 | A
diagonal flag that is upside down indicates that the wind speed is going
48 to 52 knots.
 | One
knot equals 1.852 km per hour.