| |
Cloud: visible collection of tiny water droplets or ice particles or both,
suspended in air above Earth. Have same composition of fog but suspended higher
in air.
Cirro - high clouds, base starting above 6000 m
Alto - middle elevation clouds, base between 2000 to 6000 m
Stato - below 2000 m
 | Clouds
are classified by shape and altitude
 | Shape
depends largely on how the cloud was formed.
 | Most
common clouds are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus.
 | High
clouds that look like fine veils
 | Made
of ice crystals - to form halos around moon or sun
 | Usually
indicate fair weather
 | May
also signal approaching storm
 | White,
thin, fibrous, wispy clouds
 | Form
in small patches, bands, or streaks
 | Usually
found above 20000 feet
 | Composed
entirely of ice crystals because of low temperature
 | Produce
lightning, thunder, heavy rain, hail, strong winds, and tornadoes
 | Tallest
of all clouds
 | Extend
above 60000 feet
 | Usually
large anvil shape tops because of stronger winds at those levels of
 | Sometimes
have appendages protruding from base of cloud - mammatus - resembles
mammary glands of mammals
 | Indication
of severe weather
 | Indicates
atmosphere is unstable
 | 10000
to 30000 feet high
 | Thin
ice crystal clouds
 | Look
like fine sand ripples made by waves on a beach
 | "Mackeral
sky" used to describe these clouds
 | Cauliflower
 | Has
thin edges
 | Elevation
of 6,500 to 20,000 feet
 | White
or gray in color
 | Form
gray or hazel sheets
 | Elevation
of 6,500 to 20,000feet
 | Sometimes
thin sometimes thick
 | Low
gray flat clouds
 | Form
in wide spread layers
 | Rain,
sleet, snow and hail can come from these clouds
 | Often
seen with fair blue skies
 | Gray
rain cloud
 | No
sun light can shine through this cloud
 | Usually
bring long, steady rain
 | One
of the lowest clouds
 | Usually
dark colored
 | Sometimes
combine with cumulonimbus
 | Considered
 | One
of most common clouds
 | Puffy
with noticeable edges much like a cotton ball
 | Popcorn-like
 | Indicate
that sunny skies are coming
 | The
lowest clouds
 | Faded
 | Dull,
gray and cover most of the sky
 | Indicate
that clear skies are coming